Family holidays are a time for relaxation and happiness… but they can be expensive. To give everyone a helping hand, the French government and the ANCV have developed a valuable aid: the Chèque-Vacances. Designed to encourage employees to go on holiday, this individualised aid is a response to the crises affecting the tourism sector. Little Guest has put together a short summary of the subject.
Created in 1982 to encourage employees to go on holiday, the holiday vouchers is a personalised aid scheme set up by the French government to support all types of holiday. It is the National Holiday Vouchers Agency (ANCV) that issues the vouchers to employers and works councils, with face values of €10, €20, €25 and €50. Based on the same principle as luncheon vouchers, the employer covers part of the value of these vouchers. The vouchers can be used for a wide variety of purposes (transport, hotels, restaurants and cultural services), but their use must always be linked to holidays.
These vouchers, designed to encourage as many people as possible to go on holiday, are distributed exclusively on the basis of social criteria to employees of all companies and to civil servants. Self-employed workers are now also eligible. Please note that management surpluses generated by the marketing of holiday vouchers are reinvested in :
programmes to help disadvantaged people go on holiday
financing social tourism assets
Today, holiday vouchers are a huge success. In 2019, the ANCV helped 11 million people and their families go on holiday.
A vast network of establishments accept holiday vouchers. They are easily recognisable by the sticker on their front. To find out exactly where they are located, the ANCV has produced a guide at this address.
Since the beginning of 2020, Little Guest has been accepting holiday vouchers to pay for your holiday. To help you see things more clearly, here is a list of the conditions to be met when paying for a holiday with holiday vouchers:
Until such time as they can be sent electronically, you can send them to us at the following address:
Little Guest SA
Accounting department
Rue du Pépin 54
1000 Brussels
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